Head, Heart, Hands, Health and Holidays! Between November 1 and January 15, there are about 29 holidays observed by seven of the world’s major religions. 4-H’ers don’t take a holiday, as many of them are busy bringing holiday happiness to their communities in myriad ways. What an eventful season!
President Truman and 4-H
It became an annual event, the presentation of a report on 4-H’s annual accomplishments to the President. In 1950, 4-H Reporters traveled to the White House courtesy of Chicago’ Stevens Hotel, later re-named the Conrad Hilton and scene of the annual National 4-H Congress for years.
Fifth in the series
A. G. Kettunen is featured as one of the pioneers selected in 1962 who “helped make 4-H great.” He was state 4-H leader in Michigan, a strong supporter of IFYE, a 4-H camping enthusiast and First Chairman of the National 4-H Club Foundation.
December dates in 4-H history
December 5, 1924, was the first National 4-H “Style Show” at 4-H Congress. On December 26, 1936, 4-H reached a significant milestone. Any guesses?

1935 Parade of National 4-H Congress Delegates at the National Livestock Exposition. This was its eleventh year.
Maryland 4-H maps its history
The National 4-H History Map expands with significant historical sites across the country. Though still missing sites from a few states, the Map will soon include many sites from Maryland, as nominated by leaders and junior leaders as a result their annual meeting.
4-H’er wins international show
A 12 year old Iowa 4-H’er exhibited the grand champion steer at the 1928 International Livestock Exposition, the largest livestock show in the world. The champion steer, named Dick, sold for a record price and was purchased by someone who would become one of 4-H’s most generous donors.
Record memories in the holidays
“Voices of 4-H History” and the annual 4-H FilmFest offer splendid opportunities to record and exhibit treasured memories of 4-H in your family and community. There’s no better time to capture those memories
Whichever of the 29 holidays you observe during this joyous time of the year, enjoy it; and