It’s April Already!
For some that means sunny spring is well underway; for others it’s time for one last snow storm; for still others, it’s the proverbial month of showers which bring May flowers. Whichever it is for you climatologically, it’s another busy 4-H month; another month when 4-H history is being made and celebrated.
First Woman’s World’s Fair
In 1925, 4-H girls exhibited ideal (for the time) standards of home decoration at this first of four-only women’s world-wide expositions, intended to showcase skills and empower women. 4-H girls did both.
April 22 is Earth Day
What better way to celebrate Earth Day 2016 than to start a garden, either productive, beautiful, or both. That’s this month’s “Hands-on-History” activity.
Jmaes Cagney loved 4-H
That’s just one of the new stories highlighted from the 4-H Promotion and Visibility Compendium on the 4-H History Website.
April 20, 1970…
…was an important and long-awaited day for 4-H. Mr. J. C. Penney, Tricia Nixon, Art Linkletter and National Conference delegates helped mark the meaningful occasion. Any guesses?>
Tricia Nixon and Art Linkletter share podium.
Secretary of Agriculture, Clifford Harding, J.C. Penney and Janice Glover, 4-H’er from NY share groundbreaking duty.
Who Made 4-H Great?
This month we learn about a man who had a big impact on many basics of the local 4-H Club program. And his records have helped many historians along the way.
4-H Novels
The impact, challenges, successes, and fun of 4-H are recorded throughout literature, whether academic or recreational. Here’s a list of novels written about 4-H – just the titles we’ve been able to uncover.
Whether the weather…
…is warming you in sunshine, dousing you in rain, or freezing you in snow, stay focused on the coming May flowers – and the next issue of the National 4-H History Newsletter. Whether with sunglasses, umbrellas or ear muffs, enjoy this issue.