History Preservation Newsletter
October 2017

70 Years of Congress in Chicago

The premier 4-H program almost every fall since 1922 started in Chicago and stayed there for 70 years before moving south. Some will recall the glamour, mystique and exhilaration of those early years.

4-S Peace Corps 50-Year Reunion

Part two of this reunion story brings 4-H alum Joe Thigpen back to his Peace Corps family and 4-S clubs in Santa Catarina, Brazil. Connections are strong and memories are fondly rekindled.

So Goes Maine

Another in our series of how various states are using or celebrating 4-H History in their programs. Maine has initiated a blog highlighting various historic 4-H topics.

4-H in 2027

We celebrated the 4-H Centennial in 2002 and in 2027 4-H will be 125 years old. It’s not too early to start thinking about how we want to tell the 4-H story. Start making plans and share your ideas.

The Sound of 4-H Music

Songs have long been a tradition in 4-H and two of the most traditional songs were introduced at the 1927 National 4-H Camp (now Conference) on the Washington, DC Mall. Can you name them?

4-H Congress, Then and Now

State winners to National 4-H Congress pose in front of the 4-H Headquarters in Chicago in 1929. Youth and adult planning group for the 2016 4-H Congress in Atlanta.

Autumn Colors Paint the Countryside…

… And maybe you’re near a source of freshly-pressed apple cider. If so, grab a glass of the refreshing nectar and enjoy this issue.


Please help us preserve 4-H History . . .

4-H Sheet Music Compilation Added to 4-H History Website

4-H_Related_MusicDr. Danny Crew has recently sent the National 4-H History Preservation team a copy of his illustrated bibliography,  “Collection of 4-H Related Sheet Music, Song Books and Song Sheets” which was added today to the Sheet Music section of the Books and Printed Materials Archive on the 4-H History website.

The document shows the covers of many pieces of sheet music and song books and gives the background on each – a great resource!  Danny Crew was a member of 4-H in the 1960’s. He is an avid collector of old sheet music and has published a number of books on the subject. One of the areas he collects is 4-H sheet music, currently having over 85 pieces of sheet music and music books.

Dr. Crew is currently City Manager for the city of Miami Gardens, Florida. The history team appreciates receiving the bibliography and plans on keeping Danny involved as we move ahead in expanding the segment on 4-H music on the website.

You may view the document at http://4-hhistorypreservation.com/media.asp#MT-100