“Map Your 4-H History” Goes Public –
Seeking your input on locations in your county/state

Ever wonder about . . .

  • Where the first 4-H club or camp in your county or state was located?
  • What communities in your state are home to celebrities who were 4-H members?
  • Which 4-H Camps in your state served as Prisoner-Of-War camps during a world war?
  • If elected officials in your state or national government were members of 4-H in your state?

 On April 28, 2015, “Map Your 4-H History” went live: an internet-based national atlas of sites that are historically significant to 4-H families. To take a look at how the new National 4-H History Map will operate, click on or paste the following web address into your web browser:


 We hope that every 4-H club will ask the question, “Do we have a historically significant site in our county or state that should be nominated for the National 4-H Map/Atlas?” All 4-H members, staff, volunteers, alumni and supporters are encouraged to nominate locations that are significant to the 4-H history of your county, state or the nation.

 What type of sites are we looking for to be nominated for the National 4-H Map? Some of our pilot test team members who have helped develop the National 4-H Map project, suggested the following sites – among others – as being historically significant:

  • ! 4-H history museums
  • ! 4-H camps
  • ! 4-H fair grounds
  • ! locations of the first 4-H club in your state
  • ! the longest continuous 4-H club in your state;
  • ! the first club of its type in your state; and
  • ! famous 4-H alumni in your county or state. the first club of its type in your state; and
  • ! famous 4-H alumni in your county or state.

 As you consider nominating a site, ask yourself, “Would a 4-H family traveling through our area find the site or location interesting to visit?” The National 4-H History Map will be viewable on mobile devices used by 4-H families as they travel the country. Equally important, the Map visually documents historically significant people, places or events – all pieces of the rich 4-H history – for all to see.

To view the publicly-accessible 4-H Map, click on or paste the following web address into your web browser:


To nominate a site for the 4-H History Map, click on or paste the following web address into your web browser: http://arcg.is/1bvGogV

 Each month, nominated sites will be reviewed, and approved sites will become publicly-viewable on the 4-H History Map/Atlas. We encourage you to get involved in nominating historically significant sites from your county/state.

Put YOUR 4-H History on the Map!